Mediclaim & Health Insurance

Disability And Medical Cover

Accidents and major illness are one of those facts of life which can be extremely devastating and can wipe out all your savings of lifetime. Also at the time of rising medical cost, a perfect health protection cover is a pre-requisite for the welfare of your family. This cover takes care of reimbursing the medical treatment cost incurred during hospitalization. Knowing such facts Mahesh Pai’s Financial Hub have health insurance plans designed to protect your possible loss of income and the key to stabilise in uncertain times!!!

Protect Financially Yourself & Your Family To Fight Against Cancer

Health department statistics of Goa indicates that an average of two cancer cases are being detected every day in the state. Around 1,000 cases were detected in the last one year.

Major reason being lifestyle, substantial intake of red meat and alcohol.

Since incomes are much higher than the rest of the country the literacy level is also high which leads to women delaying marriage and hence child-bearing. It has led to giving Goa with the highest number of cancer patients.

You may be aware that most of savings of people get wiped off due to fight against cancer.

Here is a plan to make your finance immune to cancer and protect your family financially in the fight against cancer.

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